Is that a Laughing Bird?

I needed to create a logo for a website and I had a short time to get it done. I took a look at my options, which were basically two, I could create it myself or pay to have someone create it for me.

After an online search for logo creation and seeing my options of having someone create the logo, I finally decided it would be easier and faster to create it myself in Corel PaintShop Pro.

And just as I was about to begin work on the logo, I watched an online video that gave me a better idea.

The video was from the internet marketer Brett Rutecky. Brett was talking about creating a logo for a website and at one point in the video he mentioned the software he used to create his logo, Logo Creator and Business Cards from LaughingBird Software, which has over 170 modifiable templates. It’s a program I had tried many years ago and really liked it, but for some reason, had forgotten about.

So guess what I did? I stopped working on my logo in Corel and went to the LaughingBird website to check out Logo Creator and Business Cards. And I am very glad I did.

The Creator 7

After watching the Creator 7 video, I was ready to purchase it for $37 but… I decided to take a look at other software Laughingbird’s was offering.

Looking over the site I saw that Laughingbird was selling a lot of really useful graphic programs besides their Logo Creator. There was an Ecover Creator, Social Media Creator, Scenery Creator and a ton of graphics to use with all this software. Quite impressive.

As I kept scrolling down their software page, I came to an ad for their “In the Cloud” graphics creator aka The Web Graphics Creator. Intrigued, I clicked on the link and… I hit the motherload!!!

The Web Graphics Creator is an online graphics creator with 12 modules.: the Logo Creator, Ecover Creator, Scenery Creator, Motion Graphics Creator, Ad Creator, Social Media Templates and Graphics, People Images and Templates, Marketing Graphics, Text Effects, Character Collection, YouTube Channel Art, and Blog Graphics. And then I saw something SHOCKING! The price.

Web Graphics Creator

The Web Graphics Creator is ONLY $12 per month or $97 for a lifetime license.

I JUMPED right on this DEAL, entered the online graphics creator, and in less than 45 minutes I had created my first AMAZING logo.

Do yourself a favor, check this GREAT offer out for $12. You will not be disappointed and you will probably become a lifetime member for ONLY $97!

Web Graphics Creator:

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